Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Comedian

I have tactfully and respectfully confronted you on numerous occasions concerning our past.  I have given you every chance to be upfront and honest with me.  You claim nothing is different between us, yet your actions speak much louder than your words.

I see you move from one poor victim to the next as you use them for "stability" while trying to advance your career. You take from every person without a care.  You take from us as though the world owes it to you. I have not once seen an ounce of gratitude from you. We have given you shelter, food, transportation, and a way of income. You appear genuine at the start. We think "here is a poor nice guy who has just hit some bad times. He deserves a break". Only to end up being used by you in the end.

Even after the first time went bad, being the caring person I am, reached out to you once again. I really wanted you to get on your feet and be successful. But the moment we both had to face a serious struggle, you became very resentful that I was able to find a solution and you didn't.  I had already put my neck on the line for you, I couldn't risk doing it again and having the both of us be screwed.  I still did everything in my power to help you after the fact.

I cannot list the other numerous things you have done that are shitty (which I put up with because it was the only way to cooperate at the time) because such details would give away your identity. 

But even after all of that, every time you put yourself in another bad situation that you had to get out of, I still tried coming to you.  I gave you REAL advice. I had discovered a lot through living it, and I wanted you to share in the same discoveries in the hopes you could better your life.  Sadly, to this day, you repeat the same cycle.

You refuse to work because you can't stand "the man", which puts you in a situation of not having a stable place to live, or a stable way to support your life. Instead, you jump from one couch to the next.  You have not learned a single lesson. You have had so many hand outs, and yet you take them all for granted. You stop talking to most of the people who have helped you because you burned your bridge. You place the blame on someone else then stop talking to them. In my eyes, you are cowardly hiding from the truth because you are too ashamed to admit to it.

Even now as my "friend" you delete any of my posts from your profiles, you ignore any attempt of mine to converse, you never support me and my creative endeavours even though I share your work with everyone so I can support you,  and you only contact me when you need something.

You need to grow up. You need to realize that the odds of being a schmuck who gets discovered then turns into a super star are slim to none. This doesn't mean I don't think you should pursue your dreams.  I just think you need man up, take ownership of your mistakes, try to rebuild the bridges you have burned, and find a way to support yourself WHILE you also pursue your dreams.  Stop taking advantage of people. Get a job. Put in the hard work to get to where you want to be.

Oh, and stop being fake.

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